For most of July anyone getting up early in the morning will have seen the two planets, Venus and Mars, flirting with each other and rising before the Sun in the east sky. It’s pretty spectacular with Venus a large bright light and Mars, though much smaller, a gorgeous red. Best time to get up early will be between 18th and 20th of this month when the two will be joined by a silver crescent moon. Worth losing some sleep for the show.
The recent spam activity on the closeness of Mars is all a hoax as Mars has been closer in the past and will be closer again before “no one on Earth will ever see this again”. The hoax seems to be an annual event so no doubt it will hit our inbox again in June 2010.
There will also be two eclipses in July, one (was) a lunar eclipse on the 7th, and the other a solar eclipse at the new moon on the 22nd, the end of Cancer and the start of Leo. It is a good time to let go of old energy and start new dreams and visions. The positive side of Cancer is the good, nurturing mother – Mother Earth, Gaia and so on. The darker side is the Wicked Witch mother who cannot let her children go or stifles her children’s development and potential. We will focus on Gaia!!
It is an interesting astrological time as every eighteen months the moon’s nodal axis shifts backwards through the zodiac and so now we are at the end of the Leo-Aquarius polarity and about to start the Cancer-Capricorn polarity for the next year and a half. Good time for people committed to bringing about real change and putting into action all that has been talked about in the past eighteen months. Think climate change, financial reform and so forth as time is running out.
We are also in winter though days are starting to slowly lengthen since the June 21st winter solstice. Yule comes from an Old Norse word, lul, meaning wheel and represents the turning zodiac wheel as the seasons change. It is certainly colder at the farm and we’re getting plenty of nights below freezing. It is the time for thinking, planning and detoxing before the busy lambing season starts and then shearing, planting and spring maintenance. It is rare to get a day with nothing to do but enjoy the beautiful Daramalan atmosphere.
Happy Yuletide!
(Astrology parts edited from Stella Woods in Living Now)