We have almost run the full annual cycle with our sheep so here’s what we’ve learnt so far. The lambs are born in early autumn (August) after a 150 day gestation period and weaned and tagged by November before sale. The ewes are shorn in late September after being finished in the best pasture.
We bought 4 month old first cross ewe lambs (Border Leicester sire and Merino dam) in December, culled the wethers (rams) that were drafted in by mistake. They have been grass fed throughout season and will be sold in December after shearing. All the ewes are drenched quarterly and we check for flystrike and weight/wool gain weekly. So far they have only eaten grass and forage crops we have planted, Brassicas last year and oats this. They have also not needed additional water as the dams supply the 5 litres per day they need.
We are looking into buying 200 Border Leicester ewes from a nearby operation and registering Daramalan as a ‘real’ stud so that we will be in the business of lamb production, particularly the rams, rather than only holding the stock for a year. It is a decision based on the long term profitability of the venture and although it means more work, particularly at lambing time, it will be more challenging and interesting. Good opportunity to put my degree specialization, genetics, to good use finally too!
Our aim has always been to produce the best wool and meat that we can using only the resources we have at Daramalan. Hopefully we will get 4kg of wool per ewe and healthy sheep weighing 60-100 kg at two years old. Our aim is also to make a living from farming and so far so good though it’s an income rather than a living. Becoming a stud will be better economics in the long run.
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