Thursday, February 25

Plant a nail and grow a crowbar

We have been sowing about 15 hectares of our western paddock with Triticale, two clovers and ryegrass. The aim is to have a perennial pasture that will self seed and require very little further attention. Sowed using direct drill method and because we are sowing north south and east west the whole job has taken about 20 hours. Well worth it in the longer run. Hope we are sowing nails and the soil and weather will grow crowbars....

The photograph below is immediately after the first pass. The woodblock print above is hopefully what it will become after we get some rain in March. The print is by Uratani Hiroto. He is a young and very talented artist who depicts abstract fields, usually ploughed or mown, in bright colour combinations. Beautiful and inspiring work.

Some of my artwork is now for sale at and worth a visit, even if I do say so myself. Creating art keeps me grounded and sane amid pressures of the farm and self employment as a technical document writer. I would not trade it for anything though and would not go back into full time banking unless it was a truly fascinating venture.

Farming, art and writing is adventure enough for me right now!!

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